Sunday, January 4, 2009


I have so much write about I am not sure where to start. One thing I do know for sure and that is that 2009 will be a fantastic year. If only for the reason that it will be my first full year of doing photography full time. Not having to balance another occupation that distracts from photography is exhilarating and from where I stand the possibilities seem endless.

Out of all the things I hope for the new year I think it all boils down to just one goal. To create more compelling, beautiful, interesting, or even provocative images.

This image was entirely unplanned and is really very simple, involving one escalator and a very long shutter. It was just one of those moments when you see things in slightly different light and use an everyday item or location in an unusual way. Images like this make me really happy because it proves that at any time and any place there is a fascinating artistic opportunity waiting to be captured.

This is one of this images that I love for its' simplicity there is no facade just honesty. I chose both these images because in some ways they represent my attitude about the 2009. A subtle optimism and hope.

Happy New Year


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are an amazing photographer! your goal for this year is something i really look forward to :)

February 20, 2009 at 5:31 AM  

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