Portland - First Impressions - Textures

I was surpirsied when the first thing to catch my attention upon venturing out into portland was the texture. So many things here seemed to have a unique and beautiful texture to them, as if everthing was finely aged to provide captivating details waiting to be explored. The frequent rain seems to create an enviroment for moss to thrive and many of the massive trees that dot the neighborhoods here are covered in it.

Metal texture on a playground that reminded me of the ones I used to play on.

Rivets on the "Steel Bridge" constructed in 1912.

Best of all, spring is in full swing here with more cherry blossom trees than I can count! There is so much to be explored here and I have not even begun to detail the diverse group of people I have met. I have talked about everything from, bicycle tours to learning about v-8 tractors and even hanging with some guys shooting heroin. Aother blog post should be coming tomorrow dedicated to all those people.
Labels: details, Downtown, macro, Photo Explore, Photo walk, Portland, texture
heroine? why not marajuana?
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