Portland - Jeannie-Tim-Nate-Evy-Annemarie
Posting this blog from Seattle Washington which has been quite an interesting experience if only for the incredible people I have met. Hanging out in the hostel here is like a college party that never ends. I love sitting at a table with 5 other people and being the only America here. On another positive note my passport was renewed today which means I will be crossing the border to Vancouver tomorrow!
With the in house wifi here at the hostel I finally got the session with Jeannie, Tim and the kids edited and an online! I had a fantastic time in Portland and have to say, Portland is one of my favorite cities ever. Staying with Jeannie and kids just made that experience so much better and the prospect of being able to spend time with everyone one of my cousins one on one is definitely the coolest part of this project. Getting this shoot done was a balancing act between sick kids and crazy weather, but we caught a break in the weather and the sickness on Monday evening and were able to run up to the park and let everyone go crazy for a good 30minutes :)

chris-i have been following your blog ever since our photo shoot. your work is beautiful.
great meeting you, jenny
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