Saturday, August 23, 2008

Mcdonald's Weddings Rock!

That's right a stretch limo, 5 groomsmen a groom a photographer and a limo driver stopped for a Big Mac 30 minutes before the ceremony.
No really, go to McDonald's on your wedding day all decked out in Tuxes and you get free stuff like cookies and ice cream. All complimentary as the manager kept reminding us.

Seriously, what other place could make you this happy on your wedding day?

I must admit I was pretty excited to be able to integrate McDonald's and wedding photography :D

See? Free cookies for the groom and his wife to be!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Guerrilla shoot!

That is what I like to call a shoot where we sneak past security shoot for 30 minutes in a corner then make a run for it :D

I found a beautiful corner of the Sprint Campus that the security personnel seem to avoid. So Patrick and I grabbed our gear and decided to check it out. This is what happened.

The idea was to test lighting for upcoming shoot, in which I wanted beautiful bokeh(out of focus stuff) I liked out it turned out. I will be employing this same technique in future shoot very soon.