Thursday, September 25, 2008


I wanted to combine all the recent techniques I have been using into one photo and see what I could come up with.
I wanted to use:
Additional lighting via PS
Different background to increase the perceived depth of the photograph.

This is the photo I started with

And this is what I ended up with.
For me these manipulation are more about the journey than the destination. I learn so much every time I try. Doing this is kind thing is like reverse engineering the photo, it give me a chance to subtract and add lighting and accent or hide whatever you want. It makes me think about lighting from a different prospective and hopefully I can become a better photographer because of it.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

So Little Time

Where to start? hmm...
The fact that I have a model shoot planned for this weekend? Or that we mixed pearl necklaces and graffiti in a recent E-session? or that I got to shoot a wedding in the rain!?

I will have to tell you how the E-session and wedding went later. But I am really excited about the model shoot I have planned for this weekend! I am going to see if I can integrate a little bit of 'ArT' into this shoot via the Plaza ArT Fair and the awesome ArchiTecture of the Bloch building. Maybe even some of those creepy dudes up there ^

Also I am upgrading my gear, that's the beauty of doing something that I really love professionally, it gives me an excuse to spend a ridiculous amount of money on top of the line gear. :D

I noticed the backyard need mowing. So I naturally thought, photo!